
Showing posts from 2018


Image Source: Freepik अक्टूबर का महीना शुरू हो गया था और ठण्ड भी बढ़ने लगी थी। इसी समे में मैं ख्यालों में सोच रहा था की , वतन   विदेश से वापिस आके एक अलग सकूं सा मिलता है , कुछ यादें ताज़ी हो जाती है और कुछ नये पल यादों की कसौटी में उतरते है। कुछ यही उमीदें लेके मैं प्लेन में बैठा था और मेरे बगल वाली सीट पे एक जनाब आके बैठे। रास्ता लम्बा था तो सोचा की क्यों ना थोड़ी सी गुफ्तगू की जाए। हमने अंग्रेजी में बात चीत शुरू की , हाल- चाल , कारो - बार जो अक्सर लोग पूछते हैं सब पुछा। जनाब बता रहे थे की वह भूगोल के प्रोफेसर , सान फ्रांससीसो की सरकारी यूनिवर्सिटी में पढ़ाते हैं। अभी बातों का सिलसिला बढ़ा ही था तो उनकी बगल वाली सीट में भी हमारे पडोसी देश के नवाब बिराजमां हुए , वह भी वार्तालाप का हिस्सा बनने लगे। बात घुमते घुमते तियोहारो पे आ गयी। हमने बताया की दिवाली के विश्व में चर्चे हैं , बुराई के ऊपर अच्छाई की जीत का प्रतीक है ये तयो

Predecessor to Descendant: A Brief Historical Future of Robokind

This article is generated by future of technology, AI. I am a 22 years old machine with superpowers of being more efficient than human beings. Due to the fact that, most of my system updates are generated by myself, I do my machine learning process and learn very briskly and comprehensively. There is a huge database in my body, powered with a speedy processor or what people say “brain”. I need to absorb a lot of information to keep track or user’s given tasks’ accuracy.   I record everything; habits, body language, micro gestures etc. All thanks to updates, I am able write, walk, talk or do any task is due to programmes which I receive from regular updates. I am not alone machine here, according to my recent robotics census, there are about 7 billion robots on this very planet. Interestingly, planet is a metaphor for us robots as most of our senses, thoughts or tasks are just stored on our silicon chips. Basically, planet is a simulation for us. Kind of Virtual Reality. We go an

Freedom: Gandhi and Bhagat

Thousands of unsung heroes bestowed Independence. Bloodshed, getting executed, being tortured everyone suffered dilemma. However, it is debated among that who contributed more or “ Gandhi versus Bhagat” posts can be observed. Firstly, I am not a supporter or an opponent. I see it as “Mahatma Gandhi and Bhagat Singh”. There is huge complexity of human nature of being judgmental, all the time. Both, Bhagat and Gandhi had contributed a lot in their respective ways. Their nature and beliefs were distinctive for same cause, freedom. Promoting non-violence, nurturing peace and seeing a prosperous nation was his vision. “Complete independence will be complete only to the extent of our approach in practice to truth and nonviolence.” – Gandhi However, independence and liberty was the deepest desire of Bhagat Singh as well not methods. He was a revolutionary and being a revolutionary you have to go through thorough criticism from people around you. He faced that as well, eve